Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Music Curriculum

Fourth graders receive music instruction from a credentialed music specialist one day per week for 50 minutes. Students learn music concepts through singing games, dances, listening, reading, and writing activities. Instructional goals include:

  • sing age-appropriate songs from memory
  • match pitch and develop healthy singing voice/head voice
  • identify and demonstrate an understanding of pentatonic scales/intervals
  • identify and demonstrate an understanding of rhythms including ta, titi, rest, ta-a, tiki-tiki, ti-tiki, tiki-ti, syncopa, ta-a-a-a, half rest, tum-ti (quarter, eighth, half, sixteenth, whole, dotted quarter notes)
  • identify and demonstrate melodic notes d, r, m, s, l, low l, low s, high do
  • identify and demonstrate absolute pitch names of the treble staff
  • identify and demonstrate the do, la, so pentatonic scales
  • move to music while playing simple dances and singing games
Christa Gutheinz, Vocal/General Music Specialist
Email: [email protected]