Third Grade

Third Grade Music Curriculum
Third graders receive music instruction from a credentialed music specialist one day per week for 40 minutes. Students learn about music through lively activities including listening, singing, and moving to music. Children’s books, manipulatives, and singing games are incorporated into music lessons to help children learn basic music skills:
  • sing age-appropriate songs from memory
  • match pitch and develop healthy singing voice/head voice
  • identify and demonstrate an understanding of the pentatonic scale/intervals
  • identify and demonstrate an understanding of rhythms including ta, titi, rest,ta-a, tika-tika, ti-tika, tika-ti (quarter, eighth, half, and sixteenth notes)
  • identify and demonstrate new melodic notes low la and low so
  • identify and demonstrate the do pentatonic scale
  • moving to music while playing simple dances and singing games
Christa Gutheinz, Vocal/General Music Specialist