
Due to state mandated attendance reporting procedures, the following procedures are required for all parents and guardians of students at Horace Mann Elementary School:

  1. If your child is absent from school for any reason, you must call the school at (310) 229-3675 by 9:00 a.m., or your child could be considered truant.
  2. If your child returns to school at any time during the school day, they must check in with a signed note from you explaining the exact reason for his/her late arrival.
  3. All students returning from one or more full days of absence must have a signed slip from you with the specific nature of the absence and the dates of the absence.

An uninterrupted learning process is essential to our school's success. Please do not keep children out of school unless is it absolutely necessary.

If it is necessary for a child to miss school, it is better to miss only part of the day rather than being absent for a full day.