What is the purpose of the PTA?
The PTA exists to identify the needs of our school and in it, all of our families, students, teachers and community members. Together the PTA finds ways to allow each and every student a safe environment with the very best resources, tools, and teachers to help meet those needs and ensure every child success at Hawthorne.
What does the PTA do?
The PTA is comprised entirely of volunteers. We are a group of parents, teachers, advisors and administrators responsible for coordinating events to enhance our students education and experience here at Hawthorne Elementary School. Through faculty and staff support, teacher incentives, family events, educational family events and social activities we are able to make this all possible. Without your support these events simply would not be possible. Please consider volunteering. All we do contributes to a better, well-rounded education for our children. Help us help your student too. You make all the difference. Even help with one event can make a big difference. We want the best experiences for our kids. Don’t you?
Why should I join the PTA?
Join for your child! This is all about them—enhancing their experience and education at Hawthorne. The school can only do so much with the funds it has, so we supplement, enhance and advocate where necessary.
What happens to the dues we pay for PTA?
We must pay National dues, state dues and local dues. The rest directly supports our goal.
May I attend PTA events if I don't join?
Yes! While we certainly hope you join the PTA, everyone is welcome, regardless of whether or not you are a member. However, you will not be eligible for the discounted rates on special events and items where applicable. PTA membership provides more benefits and opportunities throughout the year we hope you'll take advantage of.
How do I become involved in a committee?
- Contact the respective committee chair.
- Speak to any PTA Board member
- Contact us online
Do I have to come to school to volunteer?
There are so many ways you can help from home. (Examples: putting events together, coordinating projects by making calls etc.)
Can I only volunteer once in a while without being pressured to volunteer for future events?
Absolutely! We do not pressure anyone into volunteering and that is a promise! You can volunteer as much or as little as you want. We appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. We are thankful for your 5 minutes or your 50 minutes. We may ask you to volunteer for another event, but it's perfectly okay to say “No!” If everyone does a little, it goes a long way.
Can I volunteer for more than one committee?
Absolutely! You can volunteer for a part of a committee, all of a committee or many committees.
What procedure must I follow to become a volunteer with the PTA?
When volunteering on campus during school hours always sign in at the front office.
Who do I contact to volunteer?
Any PTA Board or Chair member.
Who comes to the PTA Board meetings?
Our Executive Board is comprised of Chairpersons of standing committees, the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), a Faculty Representative and the Principal.
What is a General PTA Meeting?
A General meeting is open to all. Non-members may attend but are unable to vote on any issues/questions.
What happens at the PTA meetings?
The PTA performs many functions within the school community. Each project needs a leader (and hopefully has one). This is the time that the leaders come together to share their plans, ideas and questions. Leaders present his/her business as it comes active and solicits questions and/or concerns from the membership. Votes are called upon and executed as required to proceed in our slated business.
Can I volunteer even if I am unable to come to the meetings?
Yes, but we do ask you to attend the meetings when possible. Attendance numbers are needed in order to make decisions and proceed with business. Your input is necessary to our mission.
How does the PTA raise money?
Our money comes from Membership, fundraisers and donations from families and local businesses.
What does the PTA do with the funds raised?
All of our fundraising projects are to fund a specific purpose. There is no fundraising done just to have money in our account. Some funds do go to our General fund but every penny is dedicated to a specific purpose.